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Monday, September 12, 2011

Everyone needs someone ..

Today,I joined , and when they asked for a username,I had to think a few minutes to find a fake name for me just because I didnt want any of my friends to find out my blog.Ha,how people like their own space,to get away from people they know and share their life with people they've never met.they dont mind if thousands read their blog but they never talk out their feelings to the few ones in their real world..and the ultimate reason is Nobody wants to be judged!people just want someone to hear them out ,without being judged and crossed .people are the same everywhere..
Do a thing,next time when someone comes to you,hear them out..just listen,give a hug ..keep the secret  and talk to them the next day like nothing's changed ..someday you might need a listening ear and there will be ..because ,"what goes around,comes around" ..


  1. My blog is my secret world
    I am usually not a story teller
    but I tell everything in my blog
    Its a relief when I finished posting
    welcome to blogosphere...
    have fun blogging! ^_^

  2. Yea,That's what I thought too .Thanks Clai :)
